Know when to stop and realize that if it has to happen, it will happen.How can i become less pushy/forward when flirting with women?
Keep your hands to yourself. A lot of people get uncomfortable with a handsy stranger...and you never know when someone's going to flip out and get you in legal trouble over it. It's best to not touch unless the other person gives the okay or makes the first move.
That, and don't be vulgar. Flirtation should be charming rather than simply crude and crass...making a ton of bedroom jokes is lame. There's nothing charming about making it clear that all you want is to bed her (or him).
i dont think you should change. if i think a guy is hot its a huge turn on if he is a little pushy and overconfident. its hot when it seems like a guy knows that he can get me. i know quite a few girls who feel the same way. but i mean if its obvious that you are making her uncomfortable then back off and just be friendly instead of flirty. the pushiness can scare some girls away
It really depends on the woman. To some, being all touchy feely is hot, to others it just gives the impression that you want to have sex with them, and to the rest it screams rape. Tread lightly.
Don't make it so obvious that you like this girl. If you try too hard, then you drive her away.
Act somewhat disinterested at first. let her come to you. Let her think that it was HER idea.
I think it certainly can be seen as a bad thing. The most attractive thing a man can do is to show interest in what the woman is saying. If you are too pushy women will doubt your motives.
Get gelded.
If those are your abs, well done mate.
just be yourself and act casual
no words needed. just lift your tshirt
Start by changing your picture, you come across as a tool or player/boy-toy who is only out for one thing. I would say, slam on the brakes and don't go straight to the touchy feely thing. It's good that you are getting more and more confident (good on you) but sometimes people like that can over-compensate, and over-do the confidence, thinking that others will be the same. It doesn't always work that work so you need to be a bit more subtle.
Start by taking an interest in the girl as a person. Talk to her about herself, her interests, her friends and so on. Give her compliments about a small detail which an overbearing player would overlook, such as a bracelet on her arm, her handbag etc. This would mark you out as somebody is genuinely interested in the girl in question, and by mental association, of a higher standard than some standard bolshy pr@t who thinks he is God's gift. Girls love a bloke who takes a genuine interest in them.
I also think that the over-confidence could be a cover-up of some anxiousness you may feel (that isn't meant as a criticism of you by the way, just an observation). You say you used to be shy, and some of these feelings probably still persist, so you may still feel a bit anxious to make a good impression around girls and women, meaning that you over-do it. Don't try and go 'in for the kill' straight away, but slow yourself down when you are flirting. This will give you the appearance of being in control, and that in itself is confidence. Take a few deep breaths before you start and then go about chatting and flirting. The success here will be from slowing yourself down a bit, and not coming across as too eager too quickly. Do that and you will have a lot more success.
Just realize the fact that women are lesbians (they find the female body more aesthetically pleasant, sexier and more of a turn on) and give up on them.
Dating women is a lose-lose situation, they are narcissistic (they want a man not because they love him, but because they like being loved by him; think about it) homosexuals and while there is nothing wrong with that, you deserve better than that.
Be smart, be richer, be happy, live longer...avoid women!
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