Okay, I lock myself out of the warehouse where i work. call my co worker (married) she starts off to come let me in. I found someone else to let me in within in 2 minutes, I call her back to abort her trip and in the phone conversation she says ';if you need anything at all, anything, call me';. What does that mean? I am on the road and she called a few times to see how I am doing or ';how is your day going?';
We have a great relationship as co workers but I sense an attraction. I mean, am not looking for anything to happen. Once she grabbed my cell out of my hands once and played with it. I did something to help her at work and she said i was her new hero. Another worker suggested we meet for lunch and I said ';as tempting as that sounds, I have to get home'; and her response ';kiss my a**'; in an almost completely serious tone but a bit joking perhaps, I don't know.
Any thoughts all you Y! professionals out there? ( I am divorced by the way)Why do married women flirt?
That didnt really sound that much like flirting to me......Now, if she came up to you and licked your face, I would say yeah, she likes you.
This? sounds like high school.
I wouldnt worry too much.
Take Browneyes for example...she wears those tight short dresses....high heels...and when the carpenter comes over, she offers to help with his ';tools'; then bends down....and well...anyway...she is married too.Why do married women flirt?
nothing to lose
First of all, this doesn't sound like over the top flirting it sounds like a woman who is flirty by nature (aka genetically blessed) and a nice person. She isn't thinking about you being her hero when she gets home because her husband maybe brought dinner and was her new ';hero.'; Sounds like you have a friend with a big heart, fun personality and a husband. Like Mags said if she wanted you, you would know it.
Now for why married women in general flirt, simply because we aren't dead... I am married and flirt. Not because I want anything other than my husband at the end of the day, but because it feels nice and is fun. My husband is in the know about it and will watch me flirt with people for entertainment, he is secure and can see that if he is married to a woman who can catch an eye and attention then that is a compliment to him as much as it is to me. Besides who doesn't want a free drink, exceptional carpentry work, discounts, doors opened, friends at the office and little fun in their life.
Browneyez is on the same discount plan as me, love these girls, they are so helpful!!
That doesn't mean she likes you that way, but perhaps she is unhappy with her relationship and doesn't get enough attetion?
Most likely they aren't getting the type of attention from their husbands they want anymore or they are just wanting some excitement in their lives.
Or maybe they misinterpret the way you communicate with them, making them think that you were flirting with them first.
cause it ain't over until the fatty lady sangs
A lot of the time, us girls are not even meaning to flirt. We try to be nice and it is seen is flirting. Dont think anything of it. :)
Oooooooooooo. Stay away from her. She's missing something in her marriage. Also, the whole work thing...big no no. I'm begging you. Don't fall for her.
let her know you are married and not interested. you cant let this go on or you'll lose you love.
They sound interested.
Assume you are not interested, so just keep up the no thank yous, and walk away. I always hated guys trying to come on to me at work when I was single, and you end up sounding cold. Some people just have bad manners, don't know when to stop, and their annoying ways can become a form of bullying. How would they like it if it was their daughters/sons being harassed? If they persist it could be seen to be sexual harassment.
It seems like you are wanting her to flirt so you take the little things and your mind registers it as flirting. Maybe she is oblivious that she is coming off this way.
I think everyone flirts married or single....being married doesn't mean you are shunned from all human contact other then your spouse. I think she likes you and likes to flirt with you but that doesn't mean she is going to let anything happen. If you are so upset by her flirting then why do you flirt back?
well for one you both seem to have each others number. 2 if someone I was flirting with didn't flirt back, I probably wouldn't flirt. 3 she asks about how your day is going which tells me that you are more friends then co-workers. 4 you could have called anyother person but you called her to help you get into the building.
their man is probably too busy at work earning money to buy them gifts and then they get home too tired to please their wife so the wife tries to temporary fill the void slowly crawling into her lap.
It comes down to this. We women, no matter how in love or committed, have this uncanny need constantly be reminded that we're attractive, or attainable, or beautiful, or anything like that. It's as simple as that.
I believe married women flirt bc they may want to still act a bit young. They also look for validation that men are still attracted to them (other than their husband...whether or not he is even paying attention to her is irrelevant). So keep your distance...let her sorta get the hint that your not interested in a woman whos married...or keep it short next time she starts up wit u. You wouldnt want her husband to get wind from someone who is seeing this take place. It makes you look bad even if you are an innocent victim of her selfish behavior!
If that's flirting they are really bad at it.
Just ignore it and try not to do anything to lead them on.
Test her by getting serious and asking her to date you and see how far she'll go. Women like to play and tease, and that might be all that she's doing, but I'd test her and see if that is what she's doing. If it's not, you can always leave her stranded waiting for you for a date, which should disaffect her, then you could say something happened and you couldn't call her.
because their bored
I don't know, but it is kind of strange if she's married
Its what human beings do, they flirt, and if they are bored with the person they are married to, or they want a little fun, or be mischievous then they will do that, married men do it too.
They flirt to see if they have still got what it takes to get compliments or looked at ect.
becuzz there tired of da same old d*ck i guess
Sounds to me like she's just being friendly....nevermind, I read it wrong.
because all women are dirty liars.
everyone has there needs
if you like her, take her!
if you don't u should make things clear in some way %26amp; let her know that ur not interested.
so that she doesn't keep out for u and
u don't lead her on. (maybe tell her- that you have a girlfriend or something...)
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