OK. Here's the thing. I've got this crush on someone who seems to at least think I'm attractive (he's made that clear), but has a girlfriend. Their relationship is been going on for years now. Now, I don't care about that, I don't know her, and also, I've done nothing with him. I just know he likes me, and I think he suspects I like him back.
Recently though I met them both at some party, and his girlfriend was very friendly towards me, she started to talk to me, and since I didn't want to be rude, I made friendly conversation with her. But boy did he seem uncomfortable..! I mean what did he think I was gonna say? So the question I guess is, how would you feel, if you were in his shoes? Would you be mad at the other woman for engaging in a little harmless conversation, or indifferent, or whatever...How would you feel?How do men feel when their wife/girlfriend talks with a woman they flirt with?
I would feel a little weird i suppose. In a way, i would kinda feel torn. Im not a cheater though, so i know i wouldnt break up with my current gf for you and i wouldnt cheat on her either.How do men feel when their wife/girlfriend talks with a woman they flirt with?
Women like you are disgraceful. Just remember, if he cheats with you he'll cheat on you. Respect yourself and your gender.
ADD: What don't I have? I have everything I want and need.
ADD: I'm not judging you for getting attention. I'm judging you for trying to take another woman's boyfriend. There is a big difference.
ADD: Actually recently I had an ex start flirting with me again. We even made out a couple times, but nothing too serious. Then I found out that he currently had a girlfriend and he was using me to cheat on her. Want to know what I did? I cut all contact with him and told a friend (who also happens to be a friend of his girlfriend) what was going on. His girlfriend dumped him because he was being an a$$.
Stop trying to make yourself feel better. I'm not ugly, honey. Get over it.
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