i met this guy via internet and i though we have basically fallen head over heels have a lot in common and so forth.we have even spoken of meeting.
up until he told me how some women flirt with him on the net.
he claims its all innocent and flirting but i am starting to wonder if he is doing and saying the same things to them as he is me.
i am hurt and shocked by what he said i dont know what to do.
what would you do if you were in my shoes? thanksWhat would you do if you were in my shoes?
Trust very important in a relationship, if not the most important thing. In my opinion, someone who truly loves you wouldn't flirt with any other people. Of course people are allowed to talk to others but there should be a clear line between the things you say to random people and to your partner. I would have a serious talk with him about how you feel about it and what his feelings towards you are.
Hopefully it will work out between you two but remember if he's not being loyal to you now, he will never be.
Be very careful about meeting people from the internet, be sure to know them very well and meet up in a public place. Also tell others where you're going to and who you're going to meet.What would you do if you were in my shoes?
Well how is he supposed to commit to you when you've never meet? I mean your not technically dating right? So it kinda should of been expected. Internet is a bad way to meet people in my opinion. Truthfully, if you don't know what this guy is doing on the internet, then how you expect to know who he really is? So many people will pull a couple of white lies just to make themselves sound better than they are in person. I mean if you ever were to meet, if you feel even now that you can't trust him, then as always anyway, you should meet him in a public place. Plus, maybe some friends on the side, and DONT go into a house even with friends until you really get to meet this guy. He might not even be the person you thought he would be. So whatever you decide to do, be safe, and best of luck.
I would not meet him in person. I would start doing something with my life other than being on the net at the time he is supposed to be there. Then say, OPS, I was at the dentist. I was shopping and got carried away with time. I was caught in traffic when returning from the post office. Things like that. Once you start pulling away from him, it will not be hard to dump him.
dont bother meeting him i am sure he is doing and saying the same to other people. give up on people like him u can do further better! dont let him play bout with ur mind that is what i would do. but its up 2 u on what u want to do. i am me and you are different so u might want to do sumthing different. it is all up 2 u but, couldnt you do much better than this?
If I was in your shoes I would dump em. Meeting people on the internet and then meeting them is very dangerous, even if you think he is safe. It is actually illegal. Don't do it. Just give him another chance, but don't meet him!
i am not sure
umm i actually dont get serious on net wit people....coz u never know what the person iz actually.
if i were in ur shoes ...n i actually liked d guy i'll get straight to
him.....mayb b a lill rude n blunt...but i would get things straight......
gal people make 5 - 10 galfrnds on net..........how can u ever b sure ur not one of them??
i wouldnt meet him innocent flirting leads to dating u don't want a guy who is going to u bc his ';innocent flirting'; didn't work out.
I wouldn't even try falling in love wiht someone over the internet
if he told you that he flirts then other girls then he's not serious with you. stop talkin to him.
Unfortunately, guys who tend to have a relationship or chat on line, expect him to be talking to numerous girls. Sorry to say but, its really not smart to just trust a guy who you just met on the net, you know? If he says that women flirts on him on line, it means he talks to them that's why he flirts with him. He say nice things to them and they do the same thing. They could make you envision them as your dream guy or a nice guy even if they aren't. You maybe fallen head over heels for him, but are you sure he really is? Stop it now while you can. You might miss him in a week or two but it would save you for heart ache in the future. Just be careful, Oppss.. if you maybe stop talking to him on line and a week or two he became so persistent leaving msgs on line, just maybe, he really cares for you. But if you just stop talking to him and in a week or 2 he didn't make any effort to contact you, well, you would know why? He might be having some spare to share his sweet thoughts.
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