Monday, August 16, 2010

Women what would you do if you another woman was flirting with your husband?

Or your boyfriend right in front of you. I ask this because this happened to a woman on the Dr. Phil show and I want to know how you would handel it.

Men if you want you can answer too. Just change it to wife/girlfriend.Women what would you do if you another woman was flirting with your husband?
Is he flirting back? If not then you have nothing too worry about. You need to ask yourself if he is the cheating kind. If he is then you will always be worried but if he isn't then he should be able to talk with Angelina Jolie and Megan Fox at a bikini party without you worrying about it.

However you should voice your opinion on the subject but not make it a federal case or anything. My wife enjoys it when women notice me. It's a source of pride for her I guess.

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